
USC Football Players Say Drug-Testing Story Incorrect, Misleading

It is unfair to blame Todd Marinovich for the most recent problem USC is facing. It is rumored that the NCAA began investigating the accuracy of USC’s urine test results weeks before Todd’s encounter with the law. The problem reportedly surfaced when test results revealed two team members played the entire season pregnant.

Hoping to avoid serious penalties, USC officials reportedly were forced to go public with the problems in their testing program. According to NCAA regulations, the penalty for using pregnant football players is automatic forfeiture of all games. Most likely USC would also have been required to return the revenue they received for losing the prestigious John Hancock Bowl.

The unfortunate victims of this most recent USC football scandal are all the players who don’t use drugs. We should be proud of the honest Trojan athletes who actually took and passed a test, all by themselves.


May the proud tradition of USC football continue forever.

