
Santa Monica : Fines Waived on Late Fees

The City Council approved a measure to accept late business license fees without imposing fines if the business owner provides a letter from the Postal Service accepting responsibility for the delay.

In a 5-2 vote Tuesday night, with Mayor Judy Abdo and Councilman Kelly Olsen voting no, the council decided to waive fines for late filings if the post office provides a letter accepting responsibility for late postmarks.

The council adopted the measure after Joanne Donavan, a local businesswoman, came before the council with a letter from the local postmaster that states the Santa Monica Post Office could have been responsible for the late postmark on her business license payment, because of “operational problems” such as a backlog. Because her $2,751 payment was postmarked after the Aug. 31 deadline, she faced a fine of about $550.
