
Viable Alternatives to Sunshine Canyon Landfill

Save Open Space, an organization of L.A. and Ventura County environmental and homeowner groups, opposes the Sunshine Canyon Landfill expansion.

Open Space zoning, mainly in Ventura County, and Significant Ecological Areas, in Los Angeles County, are required by state law to be part of general plans necessary for the “health and welfare” of the residents of California. Los Angeles is approaching the point where it will be all paved over with very little “open space” preserved. Sunshine Canyon has significant resources and is identified as a significant area to be preserved.

We feel that there are viable alternatives. Recycling must be made mandatory with curbside pickup. In the Midwest and on the East Coast, mandatory recycling is becoming the norm. L.A. County needs to vote to require curbside recycling immediately.


Next, an alternative recycling plant needs to be set up. Florida has a plant, which makes tons of soil amendment from household garbage. As a private landfill company, BFI should consider setting up one of these plants. BFI has the potential of making millions selling this soil amendment product to southern Californians instead of destroying a forest of oak trees.

