
Conservatives View of Bush

In response to “Quayle or Even a Democrat Is Better,” by Tom Bethell, Column Right, Commentary, Dec. 23:

I rarely, if ever, agree with Bethell. That’s good for democracy; “healthy discord” is important. This time, however, I am shocked!

Incompetency doesn’t seem to be a consideration for such as Bethell. Both Ronald Reagan and Dan Quayle are the epitome of that definition. To consider having another incompetent in the Oval Office makes me shudder. The idea that an important constituency in our country espouses a possible interest in Quayle for president makes me wonder even more about the validity of their other positions.


It makes me wonder if the idea that is uppermost in the minds of such conservatives is best described by the expression “the end justifies the means.” The goal of having a conservative in the Oval Office is more important than the ability of the occupant. Help! Let’s not have another “card reader.”


Rancho Santa Fe
