
Looking for Solutions

The latest letter from Gerald A. Silver about Los Angeles County Proposition C, the half-cent sales tax for transit, contains the usual rantings and factual errors.

Proposition C received over 847,000 votes. This is not a “small” percentage of Los Angeles County voters.

The Long Beach-Los Angeles Blue Line was not $800 million over budget. The entire project cost about $850 million.


How do you stop growth? Los Angeles County increased its population by 930,000 from 1980 to 1988. Should we make everyone leave the county who has been here less than 10 years? The city of Los Angeles increased its population by 368,000 people from 1980 to 1988. This means more cars and more traffic.

The people, as reflected by two ballot measures in 1980 and 1990, have decided to try to build a system of transit to at least keep up with the increases and to give people an alternative to driving. Is this so awful?

We need solutions that will help people get around. Blaming people for what is already a fact does not accomplish anything.



North Hollywood
