
And Now, a Round of Applause for the New NC-17 Movie Rating

The letters below take issue with Oct. 28 letters, some of which maintained that an obscene movie is obscene regardless of what rating it might have. The NC-17, which replaces the old X , calls for refusing to sell tickets to anyone below 17 years old.

In response to certain letters in the Oct. 28 issue about the NC-17 rating: Horsepucky!

NC-17 is designed to promote a form of art, and art is in the eye of the viewer.

When we think of the (now discontinued) X rating, we think of raw sex; pornography uses plot only as an excuse for sex.

NC-17 movies such as “Henry & June” and “Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!” use sexuality to enhance the story line. This is sex for the sake of art, not art for the sake of sex.


Huntington Beach
