
ANAHEIM : Pickup Scheduled for Bulky Trash

The city is starting a new trash program in which unwanted bulky items such as furniture and appliances will be picked up three times a week.

Six neighborhoods that house a large number of people in a relatively small area have been targeted for the new service.

“People were dumping their old couches in the dumpster, then there was no room for the trash, and it was all over the ground,” said Bruce Freeman, a code enforcement supervisor.


Abandoned refrigerators, couches and automotive parts are some of the items found in alleys, Freeman said.

The code enforcement department received an additional $26,000 in its annual budget to hire Anaheim Disposal Inc. to service the neighborhoods three times a week.

During a pilot program, discarded bulky items were collected from alleys three times a week for three weeks, averaging about 7,000 pounds of bulky garbage weekly.


Neighborhoods dominated by apartments, such as Jeffrey-Lynne and Citron-Hall, are among those that will receive the service.
