
Freedom of Religious Thought

In criticizing Planned Parenthood, Clara Davis characterizes abortion as the slaughter of unborn children (Letters, Oct. 9). Honesty should have made Davis admit this is a religious belief and not a universal truth.

Not all religions agree on this issue. In Judaism, the soul does not enter the body until the first breath of air--not until the “breath of life.” According to Jewish belief a fetus before birth is merely a potential human, not a real child. On the other hand, a mother has a soul; in the home, she is the teacher of God’s laws. Thus, God grants her a higher status than a soulless, unborn fetus. Since a fetus has no soul, abortion is neither murder nor a sin; it is merely an unfortunate event.

Davis should remember that freedom of religion requires that she acknowledge that differing beliefs are legitimate. She does not have to support other religious beliefs, but she should at least respect the rights of others to hold those beliefs without insulting their religion’s attitude toward abortion.



