
Administration, Congress Wrangle Over the Budget

Jimmy Carter couldn’t balance the budget. Ronald Reagan couldn’t do it. President Bush won’t be able to do it. Let’s face it--the budget will never be balanced in our own lifetime.

So, what can we do to postpone the day of reckoning? Remember the military’s $900 toilet-seat covers, $500 pencils and $200 pliers? That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Then there’s NASA and its effort to place a man on Mars. How many billions will this cost? The rest of the world is doing fine without an ambitious space program. The savings should go to reducing the deficit rather than satisfying some scientific curiosity.


Our elected officials in Washington should set an example for their constituents by getting rid of their limousines and other perks. And let’s not give them any pay raises until they balance the budget! Let’s let them feel the pain along with the rest of us!

