
Gubernatorial Candidates Debate Issues

Wilson, in his Commentary statement (Oct. 1), again repeats the tired old Republicans’ claim of their record of “unprecedented economic growth.” What economic growth?! It surely missed the poor and middle classes because we’ve experienced nothing but higher taxes, higher prices, lower wages and extensive layoffs. I’m out of work for the second time in three years.

Yes, executive salaries have risen 10% this past year alone (they need the money to pay for those ever-more-costly mansions on the hill and the lifestyle that goes with them).

We, on the other hand, are barely holding onto our homes; we’re driving ancient cars; while we used to shop at Bullock’s and Robinson’s, now we can’t even afford K-mart. This decade of Republican giveaways to the wealthy has been a disaster for the rest of us.


No thank you, Mr. Wilson; if this is your idea of unprecedented economic growth, I’ll take the “bad old days” when at least some of it trickled down.


West Hills
