
Trade Assistance

In regard to “U.S. Agency Has Line on the East Block” (World Report, Sept. 18), I commend the author on the article, but I find it to be a serious oversight not to mention that the district office of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce, located at 11000 Wilshire, Room 9200 in the Federal Building in Westwood, would be the first point of contact for U.S. exporters and investors in Eastern Europe.

The professional staff of International Trade Specialists located here is prepared to provide advice and counsel on doing business in Europe, Eastern Europe or anywhere in the world. We do refer entrepreneurs and exporters to country desk officers and other experts in Washington headquarters of the U.S. Department of Commerce, but we can do a lot here in Los Angeles. Our primary goal is to promote U.S. exports.


International Trade Specialist

U.S. Department of Commerce

Los Angeles
