
Irvine Books Circus as Part of Arts Fest


Cirque du Soleil, the popular contemporary circus troupe from Canada, is scheduled to appear here next spring as part of the Irvine Arts Festival, actually a series of events organized by city officials starting in two weeks and taking place over several months.

Orange County’s Gloria Newman Dance Theatre will launch the festival Oct. 28 at 2 p.m. with an outdoor presentation that--like all the events except Cirque du Soleil--will be free. Also scheduled are:

* The Mums, performers of magic and acrobatics (Nov. 10).

* We Tell Stories, actors who draw from Afro-American, Japanese and Mexican folklore and literature (Dec. 8).


* The Los Angeles Poverty Department, a troupe of homeless performers (Jan. 6).

* “The Play in Art,” an exhibit organized by the Irvine Fine Arts Center featuring contemporary artists influenced by theater (March 1-April 28).

* Peter Phillips and Friends, performance artists (March 9).

The Cirque du Soleil date, location and ticket prices will be announced. All other events will take place at Heritage Park, Walnut and Yale streets. Information: (714) 724-6684.

The $20,000 festival is the brainchild of Henry Korn, the city’s newly appointed Cultural Affairs Division manager, according to Toni McDonald, division superintendent. McDonald said the series is being offered to celebrate recent accomplishments, particularly “three big ones that we’re very proud of.”


In January, Irvine established a Cultural Arts Commission. In June, the Irvine Fine Arts Center celebrated its 10th anniversary, and this month, the 756-seat Irvine Barclay Theatre for performing arts opened at UC Irvine.
