
LETTERS IN VIEW : Gender Selection Spawns Angry Response

I think it’s disgusting that people want so much control over their lives that they don’t just want a child or three children, they want to choose the sex. How does the (Neumanns’) fourth girl feel? In essence, the parents are saying, “If our second child had been a boy, you would never have been born.”

I think it’s a waste of money to try for a certain sex by scientific procedures when the money could be used to help unwanted children who have no homes or not enough food or medical attention.

Parents will also be disillusioned because the child whose sex they chose will not necessarily bring them any more happiness than the opposite sex. The dad who dreams of coaching his child in Little League may have a son who hates sports--and the child will suffer.


We need to learn to either accept the children God decides to give us or prevent the pregnancies from happening in the first place. You either want five children or you don’t--regardless of their sex.


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