
Williams, Lutton, Greer Promoted by Irvine Co.

Robert E. Williams Jr. has been named president of the Irvine Industrial Co., the Irvine Co. unit that owns more than 5 million square feet of industrial space and oversees development of new industrial buildings.

Michael T. Lutton was promoted to president of the Irvine Office Co., which develops offices and already owns 4 million square feet of office space, and C. Keith Greer was named president of Irvine Community Builders, which oversees the development of the company’s new residential neighborhoods.

Williams joined the industrial unit in 1984 and has presided over the development of the Irvine Spectrum, the company’s big industrial and office park in Irvine.


Lutton joined the company in 1986 and is now overseeing 1 million square feet of office construction.

Greer joined the company in 1972 and has helped develop more than 20,000 homes on company land.
