
‘Hull High’ Slurs

After reading Howard Rosenberg’s Aug. 20 column about “Hull High,” I watched the first episode of the TV series and was alarmed to hear four different references--all extremely negative--to people with developmental disabilities. I’m surprised Rosenberg didn’t find this offensive.

The “ultra-hip” teens referred on two occasions to things or situations as being “retarded.”

The “ultra-hip” English teacher spoke of having “30 congenital idiots” in her class, and the auto shop teacher referred to one of his students as a “moron.”


Throwing these words around is not funny or hip. It is disgusting!

People with developmental disabilities may still be the last minority, but they are quickly becoming self-advocates, and students with disabilities are being mainstreamed into high schools across the nation. A notable exception would appear to be Hull High.


Santa Barbara
