
Birth Control

I found it a bit ironic that, after reading Kevin Williams’ letter (“One Fact Tips Scales: The Unborn Have No Choice,” May 20) where he states: “A pregnant woman has the choice to seek financial, material or emotional assistance . . . (it is available),” on the front page of the same issue is an article titled “Budget Deficit Deepens Crisis for Medi-Cal.” The story explains that Medi-Cal lacks funding to pay for hospitals, doctors and others tending to the needs of the poor.

I would then ask Mr. Williams where a poor pregnant woman would go when she needs Medi-Cal to pay for prenatal care and the delivery of her child? Operation Rescue? And what about afterwards? Who will pay for pediatric care, for food, for the day-care expenses? The National Right to Life League?

I would respectfully suggest that Mr. Williams and all of those who share his concern join us in supporting increased birth control research to give all women (and men) more contraception options to prevent unplanned pregnancies from occurring in the first place. Believe me, Mr. Williams, no one who considers themselves pro-choice is pro-abortion.



