
Bush’s Plan for Voyage to Mars

We have a deficit that most observers agree will sink us unless we get control of it and reduce it.

We have a short- and long-term clean water problem that needs to be addressed.

We have toxic and radioactive waste problems that will definitely kill us unless we come up with some solutions.

We have a homeless problem that we are currently closing our eyes to and hoping it will go away.


We have a medical care system that is a disaster and will need a lot more money just to revive basic emergency services in our cities.

We have a rising illiteracy rate.

The list is far from complete.

But now the pinheads that call themselves our “leadership” are calling for a manned mission to Mars. What kind of drugs are these Bozos on?

I’m not against space exploration, in fact it is a far more positive way to spend our money than by buying half-billion-dollar bombers to “sneak” through the sophisticated Panamanian radar network to bomb poor neighborhoods into oblivion.


Please, Mr. Bush, give the nation’s problems at least a cursory review before you blast us off into La-La Land.


Santa Barbara
