
COUNTYWIDE : Group Assured a Say in College Site Study

Members of a local group advising Cal State University on an environmental review for a proposed campus in Ventura met for the first time last week and were promised a strong say in the review.

University Vice Chancellor John Smart said the group, made up of representatives from community groups and most of the county’s 10 cities, will help design the environmental impact report for the proposed campus at the Taylor Ranch west of Ventura.

Also, the 20 members will retain their rights to speak as individuals about the proposed four-year college, Smart said.


“It was clear that several members were concerned that they were being co-opted in some way. I tried to assure them that that is not the case.”

Committee member Matthew Boden, Camarillo planning director, said members wanted the freedom to speak their minds on the proposed Taylor Ranch site as well as alternative sites.

“We are not there to ratify a previous position,” Boden said. “People wanted to be sure we would still be free to express opinions and not be limited because we are on a technical advisory committee.”


The committee was formed to oversee the design and scope of the environmental impact review. Members will help decide what campus sites will be studied and to what extent.

Cal State chose Taylor Ranch after a lengthy search for a site in the county.
