
Monterey Park Police--’Merit Takes a Back Seat’

The Monterey Park Police Department is corrupted by a terminal belly cancer of internal politics. According to reports that I have received over the years, it is a department where merit always takes a back seat to political connections.

I think this is why the Monterey Park Police Officers Assn. gave a unanimous “no confidence” vote to former police Chief Kenneth Hickman, who made it a point to avoid being political.

If Wes Clair, president of the association, thinks he could do a better job in running the department, he should apply for the job of chief--if he’s qualified.


I think that he and his fellow police officers are more concerned with serving their own interests than with protecting the residents of Monterey Park, which is what they are hired to do.

A handful of political policemen have used the Police Department and the residents of Monterey Park for far too long. It’s time for a change.


Monterey Park
