
THE SIDELINES : Ellis Charged With Reckless, Drunk Driving in Car Accident

<i> From Times wire services</i>

SuperSonics guard Dale Ellis was charged today with drunken and reckless driving in connection with a car accident that broke three ribs, collapsed his lung and knocked him out of Seattle’s lineup for six weeks.

Also, two doormen from the restaurant Ellis left shortly before the Jan. 12 accident were charged with bribery in an alleged attempt to be paid $50,000 in return for testifying for Ellis.

Ellis rammed his Mercedes-Benz into a highway divider on Interstate 5 in downtown Seattle early in the morning of Jan. 12 after scoring 29 points in a Sonics win over Dallas the night before.


King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng said Ellis refused a blood-alcohol test after the accident.

The charges were based partially on statements from patrons of the Celebrity Bar and Grill, who observed Ellis before he left, Maleng said.
