

In your coverage of the recent lifting of martial law in Beijing, China, you neglected to mention that martial law (harsher than what had existed in Beijing) is still in effect in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.

Along with martial law, Tibetans are also suffering with a system of pass laws--which even South Africa has abandoned. Martial law and the pass laws are beginning to psychologically scar Tibetan children and add to the general atmosphere of fear and repression. All of this goes on with little news coverage or public protest here.

The government’s policy of transferring ethnic Chinese to Tibet is making Tibetans an insignificant minority in their own land. This genocide continues quietly and virtually unreported in the American press.


The tragedy and irony of this is all the greater when one recalls that the Dalai Lama of Tibet received the Nobel Peace Prize a mere three months ago.


Los Angeles
