
AROUND HOME : Knitted Tams by Mary Rowe (Interweave Press; 1989)

WHO WOULD HAVE thought an entire book (a small one, but certainly larger than a pamphlet) could be devoted to one kind of hat? But then, after checking out the instructions and designs, it’s surprising that the author could get it all into such a few pages. Rowe’s amazing tams are inspired by mandalas and kaleidoscopes and rendered in cheerfully bright or subtly muted colors. The pictures alone are enough to make the fingers itch to knit, but the instructions are excellent; Rowe doesn’t make it sound exactly easy, but the steps are clear and logical: Some of the process involves math, some of it artistic flair. Rowe covers color selection, sizing, pattern designs, even wall tams that are stretched over a hoop for display only. The latter may be the perfect manifestation of a hat that is beautiful by itself but not always flattering to the wearer. ($12.95.)
