
The latest issue of Traveling in...

The latest issue of Traveling in Style magazine, compiled biannually by Travel Editor Jerry Hulse, appeared in the Oct. 22 edition of The Times and brought the usual assortment of “reviews” from readers. Herewith a sampling of their comments:

I could not believe the rave review that Margaret Zellers gave the Malliouhana (“Centerpiece of the Caribbean’s Cognoscenti”). I read it twice, thinking I had misread it the first time--but, no, I hadn’t. She did say “imperious staff” and “tortoise-slow service.”

How can she go on to say what a great place it is, “sumptuous” and “classy,” and in the same breath say there is a “disdainful” maitre d’ in the dining room?

Zellers states that it is “unquestionably expensive.” From the few prices quoted I have quickly figured out that if we didn’t swim (“water sports are additional”) or play tennis and had a nothing little $50 bottle of wine (not the Petrus ‘85) and a mid-priced room, the tab would be about $1,200 a day!


And she is suggesting we should put up with imperious and disdainful help?


Beverly Hills
