
The Voters’ Approval of Irvine’s Measure N

As my wife and I watched the news Tuesday night to hear election results, we saw the updates from Irvine regarding Measure N. I kept telling myself that the majority of Irvine voters are intelligent enough not to succumb to the lies and hatred portrayed as “family traditional values” exuding from the likes of Louis Sheldon and Scott Peotter.

I also thought that most sensible people would realize that most gays and lesbians don’t have 1,000 sex partners. Nor do they recruit young children or have sex in public. True, some do, but unless I have a reading impairment, so do a lot of “normal, traditional” people, from what I see in the newspapers. Somebody must have forgotten to tell a man who held up a sign at a street corner that says “Vote Yes on N--Stand Up for Your Family” that gay people have families too; you know, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers--that kind of thing.

As a newscaster gave an update on voter turnout from the living room of a “Pro-N” household, I just thought to myself that “the city of tomorrow” took a step back into yesterday.




