
HEAD ON THE TOWN: Tone-Loc’s touring Australia...

HEAD ON THE TOWN: Tone-Loc’s touring Australia now--but last month the rotund rap idol was cruising Santa Monica Boulevard in his Mercedes when he spotted a white ’63 Impala convertible at a red light. Eyeing the slick Impala, Loc said: “Hey, how much?” Its driver replied: “The car’s not for sale.” Loc followed the Impala to the next red light, where he made another sales pitch, only to be turned down again. Finally, Loc’s passenger recognized the driver (and his red-headed companion). It was . . . Bruce Springsteen (and Patti Scialfa). The two stars hit it off so much that they ended up hanging out in the middle of the street, yakking about their favorite music. . . . And yes, that was Joni Mitchell at the China Club the other night, long after midnight, dancing to the raucous rock sounds of the Dynatones. Mitchell even took the microphone and helped out on a noisy rendition of “Land of a Thousand Dances.”
