
Bush-Gorbachev Summit in Malta

An article by Robert C. Toth (Part A, Nov. 3) reported that “Bush, in announcing the summit Tuesday, made clear that the turmoil in Eastern Europe would be a prime topic of discussion during his talks with Gorbachev.”

Last summer at the third United Nations General Assembly Special Session Devoted to Disarmament, the delegations of the States Parties to the Warsaw Treaty submitted a memorandum entitled “Security Through Disarmament.” In this document they included the statement, “The concept of security through disarmament is the philosophical basis of all practical efforts in this field laid down in the Final Document of the First Special Session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament (Resolution S-10/2), which continues to be valid today. Disarmament is the main road to security.”

The objective in the referenced final document is “general and complete disarmament under effective international control.”


When President Bush discusses the future of Eastern Europe with President Gorbachev he should suggest that we should accommodate the “States Parties to the Warsaw Treaty.” He should propose an agreement that makes Eastern Europe the first area with “general and complete disarmament under effective international control.”

EDWARD C. PERRY II, Palm Springs
