
Long Beach : Major Crimes Shoot Up 49.3% in Third Quarter

The number of murders, rapes, robberies and assaults in Long Beach increased 49.3% in the third quarter, compared to the same period last year, according to Police Department statistics released this week.

Overall total reported crimes increased 12.8% in July, August and September, compared to the same quarter of 1988.

The highest jump was in the number of robberies, which went from 676 last year to 1,055 during the same three months this year--a 56% increase.


While there was a 49.3% increase in the number of crimes against persons, there was a 17.2% increase in the number of crimes against property, including thefts and burglaries. But there also were sharp increases within that category. For example: commercial burglaries increased from 337 to 520, or 54.3%, and bicycle thefts increased from 627 to 823, or 31.2%.


3rd Quarter 3rd Quarter Percent Major Crimes Against Persons 1988 1989 Increase Murder 20 28 40.0 Manslaughter 0 0 0.0 Forcible Rape 52 74 42.3 Robbery 676 1,055 56.0 Aggravated Assault 592 844 42.5 Total 1,340 2,001 49.3

Source: Long Beach Police Department
