
Mitsubishi to Build Jet Engine Components

From United Press International

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., a major Japanese defense contractor, said it has signed an agreement with Pratt & Whitney to participate in the production of the U.S. company’s new high bypass ratio turbofan engine for commercial aircraft.

The agreement calls for the Japanese company to manufacture some of the turbine blades and turbine disks for PW4000 engines, Mitsubishi said.

The PW4000 is currently used for such aircraft as Boeing’s 747 and 767, Airbus Industries’ A300, A310 and A330 and McDonnell Douglas’ MD-11, the company said.


Mitsubishi will be the fifth foreign company to participate in the PW4000 project. The four others are Fiat of Italy, Norsk Jet Motor of Norway, Fabrique National of Belgium and Singapore Aircraft Industries.

Mitsubishi said its share in the total PW4000 engine production will be about 1.0%.
