
Rolling Hills Considers Movie-Making Ban

The Rolling Hills City Council is considering adopting an ordinance that would prohibit commercial film making in the gated community.

The city staff was ordered Tuesday to prepare a proposed ordinance in the wake of recent complaints from residents that the filming of a television movie created traffic and noise problems. Residents also complained about filming at night in the city, which restricts lighting. One resident said the film company, which was filming at a vacant house, cut some vegetation on her property to improve the view.

Filming took place over a 10-day period on Eastfield Drive, one of three main access roads to the city.


City Manager Terrence Belanger said in a telephone interview that Sapphire Productions gained access to the city with a pass issued by the Rolling Hills Community Assn., which controls the private streets. Tom Boyd, president of the association, said the group was unaware of how much time filming would take when it issued the pass.

Belanger said the city, which is entirely residential, does not restrict film making but does prohibit other commercial activities.

The ctaff presented an ordinance used by other California cities to restrict filming. But rather than adopt that ordinance and possibly add more restrictive measures, the council asked the staff to determine whether film making can be outlawed.


“If we can stop it, boy, more power to us,” Councilwoman Jody Murdock said.

The staff will report on the proposed ordinance at the next City Council meeting Sept. 11.
