
Dads Feel Guilty About Lack of Time for Kids

From Associated Press

Working mothers aren’t the only ones who feel guilt. Dads also are increasingly torn between work and family, according to a new study issued just before Father’s Day.

“We tend to think working moms have a monopoly on guilt, but it’s not true,” says James Levine of Bank Street College of Education in New York.

While fathers continue facing traditional pressure to be good workers, they also want to spend more time with their children, Levine said in the study.


“They’re feeling that they’re repeating the same pattern of their own fathers, not being around enough,” Levine said in the analysis prepared by the Bureau of National Affairs, a private research organization.

Fran Rodgers of Work-Family Directions reported that many men are beginning to seek a balance between work and family--”they don’t want to work overtime, they don’t want to relocate, and they don’t want their performance measured in terms of hours put in on the job.”
