Best to Stick With Waterproof Glue
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QUESTION: I glued together some furniture several months ago and it was fine, but recently some water got into the extra room in our house and some of the joints got loose. I had bought the glue under the impression that it was waterproof. Are they permitted to sell an adhesive as waterproof when it really isn’t?
ANSWER: No, but the chances are that the glue was called water-resistant and not waterproof. There is a difference. An adhesive that is water-resistant is just that. It will resist high humidity and a limited amount of water, but waterproof material will stay glued when attacked by water. When you purchase glue that must be waterproof to meet your needs, make sure it says waterproof on the label of the container. Manufacturers are careful not to call a product waterproof when it isn’t.
How to Straighten a Warped Wood Panel
Q: I have a large panel of wood that was not used for a long time and became warped. What causes this, and how can it be corrected?
A: The usual cause, although by no means the only one, is when moisture on one side of the wood is greater than on the other. What you should do is find out which side is dry. Apply some moisture to that side. Place the wood on wet grass or damp towels so that it will be in the hot sun most of the day.
The cupped side of the wood should be face down. Put some weights on the top of the wood--perhaps a few books, but not too many or the weight will be too heavy. Examine the piece of wood at least once a day and remove it when the wood appears to be straight.
Insulation Blankets Fine for Heating Ducts
Q: I would like to insulate the heating ducts in our basement. They are used only for heating, not for air conditioning. Can I use the regular type of insulation, that is, the blankets? The ducts are the round type.
A: Yes, the blankets are fine for heating ducts. Tell your dealer what they are being used for, and he will give you the kind that has no vapor barrier. Vapor barriers are not required when the blankets are used for this purpose. Also, tell the dealer you have round ducts, since many are shaped like a rectangle. The insulation will come with complete instructions for their use.
Do-It-Yourselfer Can Hang Dropped Ceiling
Q: Will a suspended ceiling cover the irregularities in the ceiling of the room where it will be installed? I have put up ceiling tiles in the past but have never tackled a suspended ceiling. Can it be handled by a do-it-yourselfer or must one be a professional?
A: If you installed ceiling tiles, you should have no trouble with a suspended ceiling. It generally is considered easier. Just take your time and double-check everything before you go on to the next step.
All aspects of painting a house are detailed in Andy Lang’s booklet, “Paint Your House Inside and Out,” which can be obtained by sending $1 and a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Know-How, P.O. Box 744 Huntington, N.Y. 11743. Questions of general interest will be answered in the column.