
WORLD : 2 Hostages Freed; 3rd in Peril

<i> From Times wire service</i> s

Kidnapers today released two West German hostages but said the life of a third is in danger and demanded that authorities in Cyprus free an unidentified prisoner, Palestinian sources said.

The two West Germans--a doctor and a nurse working for the relief agency ASME Humanitas--arrived by taxi in Sidon early today.

Two hours after their release, Abu Ali Wajeeh, commander of the PLO Fatah “military police” in Sidon, said a third West German kidnaped with the two is still being held by the unidentified abductors.


A photograph of the hostage carried by Muslim militiamen searching for him at checkpoints around Sidon identified the man as Markus Quint. Officials at ASME Humanitas in Marburg, West Germany, confirmed that a man named Markus Quint is part of the team in Lebanon.

Wajeeh said Palestinian gunmen were placed on full alert to try to locate the captive.
