
Tutor Arrested in Molestation Cases

A remedial reading specialist at Malabar Street School in Boyle Heights was arrested Tuesday morning on suspicion of molesting five boys, ages 8 to 10, during individual tutoring lessons dating back to last fall, police said.

Los Angeles Police Detective Ben Lovato said Allen Gross, 43, of Pomona, was booked on suspicion of molestation, ending a three-month investigation. Gross was released after posting $5,000 bail.

Lovato said Gross, who has been at Malabar since 1985, was transferred from the school last February when the allegations against him surfaced. At that time, a student informed school officials of an alleged incident and they called the police, Lovato said.


Eventually, five boys in the third and fourth grades said that they had been molested by Gross, according to Lovato.
