
American History, a Saga of Immigrants

The letter from Sal Giardino regarding the Vietnamese presence in Orange County (April 23) reflects a shocking degree of historical ignorance and egregious racial bigotry. Giardino writes that Italian-Americans have a “greater right to be in this country” than Vietnamese-Americans because “an Italian discovered America.” Perhaps Giardino has been poorly educated, but he should be aware of the fact that American Indians were here first. If anthropologists are correct and American Indians are of Asian extraction, then perhaps Vietnamese, as Asians, have the “greater right” to be here than many European-Americans. At least, this would be true if one were to follow Giardino’s line of reasoning.

I wish to say to Giardino and others who think as he does that the time is long past when one ethnic group can claim superiority over another in this country. All of us have a right to be here, all of us have contributed to the development of this nation. Whether or not he approves of it, the United States will increasingly become a nation of racial diversity. Ignorance and intolerance have never withstood the test of time.


