
Justice, Compassion at Fatal Crash Trial

It isn’t often that I am able to read the newspaper account of court proceedings that follow a tragedy and agree with the verdict of the court and the conduct of all involved in the case.

April 5 was an exception. Municipal Judge Margaret Anderson, the defendants and the victims deserve to be complimented for the grace and humanity that were evident in The Times’ account of the trial, which involved a drunk-driver fatal crash in Yorba Linda on Jan. 15.

It was clear to me that the defendant, Vince Bivens, is a decent man who made a tragic error under the influence of alcohol, and will need to live with that the rest of his life. He accepted appropriate sentencing with humility.


It was also clear that the victims--the Evers family, Shelly Peterson, and Paul Codispoti--could transcend their own losses and suffering long enough to demonstrate compassion for the defendant, seeking not revenge, but justice.

This case, and The Times’ account of it, stands as a tribute to all who participated in the legal proceedings, from the judge, from Deputy Dist. Atty. Robin Park on down through the victims and the defendant and his wife.

I, for one, am deeply touched by the dignity and compassion demonstrated by the victims, and for the reminder that justice can be served with sympathetic concern for the integrity of all.



