
Local News in Brief : San Clemente : 5 Developers Win Housing Allocations

Five out of eight developers won approval for home-building projects in San Clemente on Monday night when the City Council divvied up housing development allocations in the third year of the city’s Measure B growth-control initiative.

The developers initially proposed 724 new homes in the city. The 1986 Measure B mandate allows 500 new housing developments to be built in the city each year.

The proposed developments were rated on a point scale last month by the Planning Commission.


The council awarded full allocation requests to Arenoso Villa’s 30 condominiums on Arenoso Lane; Sea Pointe Estates’ 11 homes; Centex Development Corp.’s 233 homes on Forster Ranch; Brisa Pacifica’s 117 senior housing units, and the Lusk Co.’s 105 homes in Marblehead Inlands in northern San Clemente.

The council allocated 496 units.

No allocations were awarded to UDC Homes, which proposed 111 condominiums in Rancho San Clemente, Richmond American Homes’ 24 houses in Rancho San Clemente, or Bird Development’s 84 homes in Forster Ranch.

City officials said the three companies will have to reapply for consideration under next year’s 500-unit allocation limit.
