
Nation : House Judiciary Committee Ousts Chairman of Immigration Panel

From Times wire services

The House Judiciary Committee, in a rare move, today ousted the chairman of its immigration subcommittee, veteran Rep. Romano L. Mazzoli (D-Ky.) in favor of fourth-term Rep. Bruce A. Morrison (D-Conn.).

Mazzoli, a 10-term congressman from Louisville who headed the subcommittee for eight years, authored with Sen. Alan K. Simpson (R-Wyo.) the sweeping Simpson-Mazzoli immigration reform of 1986. Democratic discontent with Mazzoli had been growing over the way he ran the panel, according to Morrison. Mazzoli was ousted on a 16-5 secret ballot of Democratic members. Morrison, who was next in line of seniority, was voted in 21 to 1.
