
Candidate Pledges to Restrain Growth

City Council candidate Jack McGrath declared in Sherman Oaks Wednesday that, if elected, he would protect the San Fernando Valley from being “trashed” by what he described as uncontrolled growth that has marred the Westside.

McGrath, a North Hollywood resident, is opposing 5th District Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky in the April 11 election. In a prepared statement, he asserted that Yaroslavsky has “trashed the Westside with 20-story buildings next to single-family homes.”

“This type of uncontrolled growth and development . . . must be stopped now, before it crosses into the Valley and before it erodes Westside neighborhoods any further. Mulholland Drive is the front line in this issue.”


McGrath, who works in real estate, pledged to support planned, controlled growth.
