
Speaking Out on Orange County Elections : Ex-Governor Urges Support for Foster

I understand that a follower of conspiracy theorist Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. is on the ballot in the 39th Congressional District. His name is Don E. Marquis, and he does not represent the spirit of the Democratic Party. Bea Foster, running as a write-in candidate, does. I urge all moderate Republicans and loyal Democrats to vote for her Nov. 8 instead of either Marquis or the incumbent, William E. Dannemeyer.

Foster cares about the environment, good schools and safe and inexpensive day care. She will work unstintingly for the health and security of northeast Orange County residents.

Bea Foster has served her community with a dedication and sense of commitment that the people of the 39th Congressional District sorely need.


I strongly recommend Bea. Let’s support a mainstream Democrat on Tuesday.


Governor, 1975-1983
