
The World : Pakistan Downs Afghan Jet

Pakistan air force F-16 jets shot down one of three intruding Afghan warplanes, Pakistani officials said. They said the jet fighters intruded about 10 miles inside the country but caused no damage or casualties and that the downed Afghan pilot was captured by tribal militiamen. It was the first such incident since September, when jets from the Soviet-backed Kabul regime allegedly killed at least 14 people in Pakistan, where Afghan rebels have taken refuge, and wounded more than 50 others. Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department said that Soviet forces have fired six to eight Scud-B missiles at Afghan rebel targets. The missile attack was carried out near the border with Pakistan, spokesman Charles Redman said. Use of the surface-to-surface missiles, with a range of up to 190 miles, “represents a further escalation in the level of violence,” he said. Redman gave no estimate of damage or casualties.
