
The State - News from Nov. 2, 1988

The bodies of two boys who were killed by their foster father last week at his Tustin home will be returned to their natural mother, Orange Country officials said. Gene Howard, director of county children services, said the bodies of William Barr, 11, and Frank Balistreri Jr., 8, were released from the county coroner’s office and taken to a local funeral home. The boys’ natural mother, Judy Sones, 29, of Bloomer, Wis., told Milwaukee newspaper that she plans to have them buried in her home state. The chidren were both shot to death Oct. 24 by their guardian, Leon Huffman, while they slept. Huffman, 60, who had a terminal heart condition, also killed his mother before fatally shooting himself. Police said Huffman left a note saying he did not want his wife, Betty, burdened with raising the boys in a “cruel world” if he died.
