
Local News in Brief : Disability Request by Officer Rejected

The city of Hawthorne has refused to grant a disability retirement to a black police officer who alleged that racism among his colleagues caused him stress.

Sgt. Don Jackson’s request was rejected this week because city officials were not convinced that he has a permanent disability, Hawthorne City Manager R. Kenneth Jue said. Jackson, 30, has been on a stress disability leave since April, 1987, when he accused the Police Department of racism toward minority officers and the public. While on active duty, Jackson said, he regularly heard minorities, including himself, referred to as “niggers,” “wetbacks” or “gooks.”

Harassment from fellow officers worsened, Jackson said, when he was promoted to sergeant in December, 1986, and he was accused by some officers of using his rank to favor minority suspects.


Jackson founded an organization called Law Enforcement Officers for Justice, whose 38 members have appeared throughout the region to protest what they said were racist actions by law enforcement agencies in Santa Monica, Glendale, Westminster and San Bernardino.

Jackson said he plans instead to pursue a lawsuit he filed against the city in January, alleging racial discrimination and harassment.
