
The Nation : Expanded ‘Orphan Drug’ Plan Advances

The House voted 401 to 1 to continue and expand a program to encourage private companies to develop drugs for combatting rare diseases. The bill, which was sent to the Senate, extends the so-called “orphan drug” program through fiscal 1990. It would also expand the program, which is overseen by the Food and Drug Administration, to include special devices and foods to help people with unusual maladies. Under the program, companies are given tax credits and seven-year exclusive marketing rights if they develop products for rare diseases. Without incentives, the companies would not pursue development of those products because it would not be profitable, supporters say. The annual authorization of $4 million would grow to $14 million in fiscal 1990 under the revised statute. Rep. Philip M. Crane (R-Ill.) cast the dissenting vote.
