

<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

Will we see the likes of Holly Hunter or Bernardo Bertolucci extolling the virtues of Donald Duck if they take home an Oscar in April? As strange as that sounds, the folks at Disney Attractions want to extend their “I’m Going to Disneyland” television ad campaign from major sporting events to other arenas of life, suggesting even the Academy Awards. In the past year, the spots only featured sports heroes gleefully proclaiming their intentions to visit Disneyland (or Disney World in Eastern TV markets) as they savored the thrill of victory. No sooner had the Washington Redskins wrapped its Super Bowl title last month, than winning quarterback Doug Williams turned Disney pitchman. Others include Magic Johnson, America’s Cup winner Dennis Conner, New York Giants Super Bowl champ Phil Simms and Minnesota Twins World Series pitcher Frank Viola.
