

ADDRESS: 897 W. 16th St., Newport Beach.

BUSINESS: The company develops, makes and sells pharmaceuticals, and markets mail order prescription drug programs.

ASSETS: $27.5 million (at April 30, 1987).


TOP EXECUTIVES: Name: J. Roberts Fosberg Position: President, chief executive officer Cash Compensation: $114,984 Name: John E. Flood Jr. Position: Chairman Cash Compensation: NA Name: D. Stephen Robins Position: Senior vice president, scientific affairs Cash Compensation: 85,836 Name: Kenneth E. Smith Position: Senior vice president, chief financial officer Cash Compensation: NA Name: Theodore Ginsberg Position: Vice president, technical affairs Cash Compensation: 79,200 Name: Philip S. Wright Position: Vice president, European operations Cash Compensation: 75,000 Name: Judith Woodward Position: Vice president, general counsel, secretary Cash Compensation: 74,208 Source: Newport Pharmaceuticals proxy report dated Oct. 1, 1987.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Name: J. Roberts Fosberg Age: 51 Occupation: President and chief executive of the company Shares owned: 100,000 % of total shares: 0.9 Name: John E. Flood Jr. Age: 57 Occupation: Chairman of the company Shares owned: 47,500 % of total shares: 0.4 Name: John H. Abeles Age: 42 Occupation: President, MedVest Inc. Shares owned: 159,010 % of total shares: 1.4 Name: Ronald P. Arrington Age: 44 Occupation: Member of law firm Rutan & Tucker Shares owned: 24,642 % of total shares: 0.2 Name: Raymond Harkavy Age: 58 Occupation: Assistant Clinical Professor of Urology, Medical College of Wisconsin Shares owned: 318,173 % of total shares: 2.8 Name: Frederick M. Myers Age: 64 Occupation: Chairman, Lukens Inc. Shares owned: 60,000 % of total shares: 0.5 Name: Edward J. Quilligan Age: 62 Occupation: Dean of the School of Medicine, UC Irvine Shares owned: -- % of total shares: -- Name: Jay Albert Robinson Age: 84 Occupation: Accountant and management consultant Shares owned: 17,500 % of total shares: 0.2 Name: Jon D. Thorson Age: 55 Occupation: President, Alpha Group Inc. Shares owned: 50,000 % of total shares: 0.5 Source: Newport Pharmaceuticals proxy report dated Oct. 1, 1987.


FINANCIAL RESULTS Fiscal year ends April 30. Earnings and revenue in millions of dollars.

1987 1986 1985 1984 Sales $10.3 $8.8 $9.7 $8.0 Earnings (loss) (1.6) (0.8) 0.6 (2.0) Per share (0.17) (0.10) 0.05 (0.24)


Stock exchange, symbol . . . NASDAQ, NWPH

Shares outstanding (Oct. 31) . . . 11,260,553

52-week high . . . $9.125

52-week low . . . $2.375

Friday’s closing price per share . . . $3.50

Market value of common stock . . . $39.4 million
