
Ben Stein Story on Page One?

Jeannine Stein’s article on Ben Stein was exceedingly interesting and revealing. I have laughed a lot at Joan Rivers’ humor, and blushed and reacted negatively when I felt she had gone too far. However, I think I understand her state of being when confronted with the death of her husband.

I very recently lost my husband of 46 wonderful years, and while my grief and agitation are deep and painful, I find myself indulging in the same kind of outrageous wit and remarks that were so much fun between us when he lived. It was my way of being undaunted by death, and dealing with the inevitable pummeled feeling of facing life without him.

However, I spoke among friends. I would have thought that was the case among her friends, and that they could see through her agitated monologue to the pain that her excesses revealed.


Ben Stein was one of those friends, and I find it not only uncharitable, but downright disgusting to spy on Joan and exploit her suffering at such a time.


Beverly Hills
