
U.S. to Ask $75 Million for Stark Attack

From Reuters

The United States has decided to ask Iraq for more than $75 million for the families of those killed in the Iraqi attack on the frigate Stark and for treatment of wounded and repairs to the ship, the New York Times reported.

The paper said in its early Sunday edition that the State Department is expected to present Baghdad with the claim next month after it completes calculations on the dollar figure and consults with families of the 37 sailors who died.

It quoted unnamed State Department and Pentagon officials as saying there would be separate claims for the survivors of those killed, for the wounded, and for repair of the extensive damage to the frigate in the May 17, 1987, attack.


Officials said the final bill is expected to total more than $75 million, including an estimated $40.9 million for repairs.

Shortly after the Iraqi warplane had fired two French-made Exocet missiles at the Stark in the Persian Gulf, Baghdad promised to pay compensation for the loss of life, wounds and damage in the attack, which it said was an accident.
