
Writer ‘Thanks’ Hunters For Making His Day

Gee, I think there might be hope for me yet. You see, currently the worst part of my job comes when I must humanely destroy an animal. After reading the article “Taken In A Snap” by Pete Thomas (Jan. 8, 1988), maybe I, too, can capture that adrenaline rush that some are able to experience snuffing out life.

Hey, I can see myself now when called upon to euthanize a little girl’s horse. Replacing my deep feelings of sadness will be a new attitude of “Time to euthanize? Go ahead, make my day!”

Any chance of a private tutoring session with big-game hunter Madleine Kay? Please hurry, Madleine. My young boys are growing fast, and I don’t want them to think their dad is a sissy.


Robert Dykstra, D.V.M.

