
It’s Still His Name

Regarding your Oct. 29 story, “Ousted Lundberg Son Agrees Not to Use Name,” the following corrections and elucidations are offered for your readers:

Your article says my firm consults, but we do not; we do marketing research and policy analysis studies. The word “ousted” in the headline is misleading because I have had my own firm for a year and continue to run it. My new national firm is notable in its own right, but news of our accomplishments widely known in the environmental and energy field finds no space in an entertaining “feud” story.

The news of the takeover and my so-called ousting is stale, as it took place over a year ago, when I voluntarily accepted an unauthorized attempt to fire me. My course of action and our working agreements should have kept us all out of court and out of gossipy news stories, or at least so I thought. Despite difficulties, I am happy to have moved to Virginia, near Washington, and diversified my career.


I was also happy to settle the major stumbling block to family reconciliation and runaway attorney fees by giving up my right to use my last name as a trade name in “petroleum and closely related energy industries.” This is different from not using my name, which your headline states. As an author or speaker, and as head of (for example) JCL: Reports, I am Jan C. Lundberg as ever. As to “other issues remaining unresolved,” an upcoming conference before the judge should reaffirm the end of this court fighting. Because of my strong position and the generosity of my mother, I have already accepted some money, and, given good-faith actions by both sides, I predict I will receive the remainder of my attorney fees plus an apology.

It is superficial and erroneous to characterize what has happened as part of a “feud.” The only support offered for there being a feud on my part was your inaccurate allegation in the Oct. 4 story, “Lundberg’s Family Feuds Over Future,” that I had avoided one or more family gatherings because my sister was to be there.

Instead of focusing your articles and photographs on me, it may have been a better idea to direct your attention to my sister, who is the most active character in this drama.


To further correct the record, The Times said I sold my father’s yacht (in the Oct. 29 story), but I had held title to the boat for some time.


Fredericksburg, Va.
