
SATURDAY LETTERS : Calendar Love & Hate

I’ve read one too many letters to the editor from people like Jane “No Fun” Crider.

These people criticize the Calendar for not being just the way they want it. I am sure that there are many of us who haven’t complained about the opera, stage and dance reviews just because we don’t read them (or like them). I flip past them, realizing that other people enjoy them and wouldn’t denounce The Times as a cheesy rag for printing them.

As for what I like about Calendar, well, I am one of those who sometimes looks specifically for box-office and TV ratings. I look forward to reading “the inside stuff” in Hollywood. My favorite part is the “rock artist-Hilburn-Michael Jackson . . . garbage” and reader responses.

I would hate to lose this sort of entertainment just because the Criders of this world don’t like it.



